Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Masquerade Tours: Harbinger by Lee French & Erik Kort Blog Tour #HarbingerTour

Welcome Lee & Erik to Indie Author How-to. Let's see what are your Top 10 Favorite songs you jam to while writing & why

When I write, I throw on a huge mix of all my favorite music and it fades into the background. Nothing in particular stands out, other than songs that disrupt my writing because I feel a need to sing a long or dance to them (those get removed). These are the artists/albums I listen to the most, because I have sizable quantities of their music in my mix.

1. Def Leppard - I have adored this band since 1982. Because. I don't care if some of their songs are actually super-creepy when you really listen to the lyrics, nor do I care that some of their songs make no actual sense in the English language. Sometimes, love for a thing transcends such mundane matters.

2. David Garrett - Instrumental versions of songs I like really do something for me. There are other artists out there who do the same sort of thing, but I'm hooked by this guy.

3. Apocalyptica - Same as Garrett, primarily for their cello renditions of Metallica.

4. Eurythmics - Ironically, I didn't really care for this band when they were popular. As I've gotten older, I've discovered that things I didn't like back in the 80s really appeal to me.

5. Black Belt Karate - A friend pointed me at this indie band from LA. I really dig their stuff, and the songs make my brain churn.

6. Shrek the Musical - It's strange that this album works for me, because the songs are the type that invite careful listening and laughs. Still, I like to have my music shift often in tone and beat, and these songs certainly do that. Everything about it is well done, and I'm a big fan of the actual musical.

7. Traci Lords - I was surprised when I found out she had an album, too. It's not for everyone - she does a kind of inoffensive techno pop sort of thing. Very good stuff for fading into the background.

8. The Fixx - A Canadian rock band from the 80s. The songs remind me of high school and how much I felt a need to be different from my brother.

9. Rush - Seems like Canada makes good rock bands. It's weird. Something in the water up there, maybe.

10. Van Halen - OU812 reminds me of my first car, a bigass Caddy. It especially reminds me of the first and only time I've ever run out of gas. Everyone needs something to remind them of truly embarrassing avoidable moments while they write.

Adjusting to her new life as a soul-bound agent of the Fallen has Chavali pushing herself harder than ever before. Between learning to fight, dealing with idiots, and climbing stairs - lots of stairs - she has little time to waste on thoughts of the future. Or the past.

When another agent fails to report in, Chavali is sent on the mission to discover her fate. Ready or not, she saddles up for a new adventure with new dangers.

The search takes her to Ket, a coastal city slathered in mystery. There, she faces ghosts from her past and demons of her future as she seeks answers. All she seems to find are more questions.

Plague, murder, lies, espionage...this city harbors much more than meets the eye, and maybe too much to handle.

Don't forget to get book #1 in The Greatest Sin series.

Lee French lives in Olympia, WA with two kids, two bicycles, and too much stuff. She is an avid gamer and active member of the Myth-Weavers online RPG community, where she is known for her fondness for Angry Ninja Squirrels of Doom. In addition to spending much time there, she also trains year-round for the one-week of glorious madness that is RAGBRAI, has a nice flower garden with one dragon and absolutely no lawn gnomes, and tries in vain every year to grow vegetables that don't get devoured by neighborhood wildlife.

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Erik Kort abides in the glorious Pacific Northwest, otherwise known as Mirkwood-Without-The-Giant-Spiders. Though the spiders often grow too numerous for his comfort. He is defended from all eight-legged threats by his brave and overly tolerant wife, and is mocked by his obligatory writer’s cat. When not writing, Erik comforts the elderly, guides youths through vast wildernesses, and smuggles more books into his library of increasingly alarming size.

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$15 Amazon or B&N giftcard or credit toward the Book Depository. Ends 12/26.

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