Monday, February 4, 2013

Guest Blogger: Lakisha Spletzer

The Thrill of the Indie Journey

Back in 2008, when I emerged from two and a half years of darkness in my personal life, I wanted to get back to one of the things that made me happy--writing.

In August 2008, I resolved to complete a novel. Up until that point, I had started but, never finished anything. I steadily wrote during August, September and October. It was going to take something more, though, to move me.

That push came near the end of October when I was invited to a NaNoWriMo kick-off party at the local library. I was intrigued by the idea of doing 50,000 words in thirty days. And so, on November 1, 2008, I eagerly started on Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy.

It was thanks to NaNoWrimo 2008 that my writing surge began and, it is thanks to the subsequent NaNos (2009 - 2011), that a total of four of my eight published novels (Werelove Dusk Conspiracy, Dream Miner, The Tempo, The Rising) were started and later completed.

I learned that nothing lands in your plate; you have to work for it. And no one will sell you more, than you, yourself can. Now, after three years of this journey, I'm looking forward to many more.

What does the future hold? I'm not sure, but no matter, I'm going to steer my course and have fun doing it.

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1 comment:

  1. NaNoWrimo is a wonderful challenge. Congrats on following through and living your dream, Lakisha. I wish you much success.
